Istilah Status Nama Domain & Artinya
ACTIVE: The registry sets this status. The domain can be modified by the registrar. The domain can be renewed. The domain will be included in the zone if the domain has been delegated to at least one name server.
– Artinya Nama domain dalam status aktif/ sudah dimiliki oleh seseorang/ sudah teregister.
REGISTRY-LOCK: The registry sets this status. The domain can not be modified or deleted by the registrar. The registry must remove the REGISTRY-LOCK status for the registrar to modify the domain. The domain can be renewed. The domain will be included in the zone if the domain has been delegated to at least one name server.
Artinya: Domain dalam keadaan terlock/ terkunci oleh pihak registry (oleh yang meregisterkannya), yang mana ketika dalam keadaan tersebut suatu domain tidak dapat di modif/ di rubah sekali pun oleh si pemilik.
REGISTRAR-LOCK: The sponsoring registrar sets this status. The domain can not be modified or deleted. The registrar must remove REGISTRAR-LOCK status to modify the domain. The domain can be renewed. The domain will be included in the zone.
Artinya: DOmain ini sedang dalam keadaan di lock/ di kunci oleh pihak registrar dan domain tidak dapat dimodifikasi atau di delete.
REGISTRY-HOLD: The registry sets this status. The domain can not be modified or deleted by the registrar. The registry must remove the REGISTRY-HOLD status for the registrar to modify the domain. The domain can be renewed. The domain will not be included in the zone.
Artinya: Domain sedang di Hold/ ditahan oleh pihak Registry
REGISTRAR-HOLD: The sponsoring registrar sets this status. The domain can not be modified or deleted. The registrar must remove REGISTRAR-HOLD status to modify the domain. The domain can be renewed. The domain will not be included in the zone.
REDEMPTIONPERIOD: The registry sets this status when a registrar requests that the domain name be deleted from the registry and the domain has been registered for more than 5 calendar days (if the delete request is received within 5 days of initial domain registration it will instead be deleted immediately). The domain will not be included in the zone. The domain can not be modified or purged; it can only be restored. Any other registrar requests to modify or otherwise update the domain will be rejected. The domain will be held in this status for a maximum of 30 calendar days.
Artinya: Status ini terjadi karena pihak yang meregisterkannya/ si pemiliknya tidak mau lagi memperpanjang domain tersebut, domain tersebut masih bisa diperpanjang (masa tenggang) dalam kurun waktu antara 30 harian, namun jika melebihi waktu tersebut domain akan kadaluarsa dan ditahan oleh pihak registrar.
PENDINGRESTORE: The registry sets this status after a registrar requests restoration of a domain that is in REDEMPTIONPERIOD status. The domain will be included in the zone. Registrar requests to modify or otherwise update the domain will be rejected. The domain will be held in this status while the registry waits for the registrar to provide required restoration documentation. If the registrar fails to provide documentation to the registry within 7 calendar days to confirm the restoration request, the domain will revert to REDEMPTIONPERIOD status. The domain status will be set to ACTIVE only if the registrar provides documentation to the registry within 7 calendar days to confirm the restoration request.
Artinya: Ketika domain memasuki status RedemptionPeriod, pihak register/ si pemilik domain meminta/ mengajukan permohonan untuk memperpanjang kembali domain tersebut, dan biasanya diberi waktu/ masa tenggang selama 7 hari untuk melakukan pelunasan pembayaran domainnya kembali tersebut, namun biasanya jikalau sudah ditahan, maka membutuhkan biaya tebusan yang jauh diatas harga normal.
PENDINGDELETE: The registry sets this status after a domain has been set in REDEMPTIONPERIOD status and the domain has not been restored by the registrar. The domain will not be included in the zone. Once in this status all registrar requests to modify or otherwise update the domain will be rejected. The domain will be purged from the registry database after being in this status for 5 calendar days.
Artinya: Ketika Domain telah memasuki status Redemptionperiod pihak Registry akan melakukan penghapusan nama domain, dan untuk beberapa waktu kedepan maka domain dapat di registerkan ulang kembali oleh orang lain (siapa cepat dia dapat).
By: Potter.Web.ID
Punyaku gimana inih kalau inactive :)
makasih infonya…
maklum masih bayi… jadi baca2 sanah sini….
buat tambah ilmu.
makasih gan….
salam kenal
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Once applied, if your name expires without your renewal, the domain will be placed on inactive protected status for up to 12 months. Good Domain
Oyaa 12 month? i think that just for 3 months